Boxheart Gallery

Basic Information for Boxheart Gallery

Address: 4523 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Hours: Monday  Closed

            Tuesday  11AM - 6PM

            Wednesday - Saturday  10AM - 6PM

            Sunday  1PM - 5PM

            Closed: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas


Admission: Free

Transportation: Bus and car (street parking)

Access: Certain services available only by appointment. See website for details. 

About Boxheart Gallery

Bloomfield’s Liberty Avenue is one of the most well-known main streets in Pittsburgh. As such, it is home to many bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and as a variety of chain stores. Sitting near the corner of Liberty and Taylor Street is a space that stands directly apart from the typical main street facade. You will not read the name of a hip restaurant or classic Italian eatery on the store-front. Instead, you'll find the name of a of a truly unique place, Boxheart Gallery.

Boxheart Gallery is a cheerful and inviting space. When you enter, you are immediately struck by colorful furniture and accent walls at the forefront. Then, your eyes are drawn to hanging pieces of art as well as a few sculptures on pedestals which lead to a framing studio in the back. Downstairs is a framing workshop in an unfinished, yet intriguing basement full of power tools and bits for building frames. Upstairs is more gallery space and Joshua’s art studio. The second and third floors also function as Joshua Hogan and Nicole Capozzi's living space. Their bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are all accessible to the public and are integrated rather seamlessly amongst the artwork. Even their shy cat has access to anywhere in the building.

Not anyone can get their art featured at Boxheart Gallery. Nicole and Joshua do not play around with the artists they choose to display in their gallery. They have a rigorous process for submissions, which they only accept from June through August. Artists must maintain a public presence and website displaying their works. A cover letter must also be delivered with the submission. All of these requirements must be met for artists to even be considered by Boxheart as the gallery is booked at least a year in advance. Despite these hurdles, Boxheart is open to early-career artists so long as they have the look that the gallery is after. The next time you’re looking for just the right art piece to place in your home, consider stopping by Boxheart Gallery.


A Gallery Visit for the Uninitiated

I felt in way over my head while on the bus to Bloomfield’s BoxHeart Gallery. Any formal art education I had acquired likely stopped in middle school. Despite being a total stranger to Pittsburgh’s art scene, I was prepared to take on the challenge and further my knowledge with regard to art. One of the biggest issues that I was forced to tackle on this journey was how to answer a relatively simple question: how does one interact with art and spaces for art?

A Personality that Stands Out

For those accustomed to viewing art from the internet or the stark, white walls of a museum, stepping into Boxheart Gallery for the first time might come as a surprise. In the entry are comfortable green chairs around a low table in front of an accent wall of robin’s-egg-blue. Behind this are more neutral walls where art hangs in the gallery space. Up the stairs on the right, old penciled-in writing can be seen, and newspaper clippings affixed to the ceiling. On another floor is Joshua Hogan’s art studio.