Intersection of Forbes Ave and Murray Ave

Basic Information for Forbes and Murray Intersection

Address: Intersection of Forbes Avenue with Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Hours: Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Admission: Free

Transportation: Bus, car, pedestrian

Accessibility: Handicap Accessible

About Forbes and Murray Intersection

The Intersection of Forbes and Murray Avenues is a touchstone within Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood. A popular meeting spot, a primary node on the 61 PAT bus routes, and the street-crossing famous for its jaywalking pedestrians, this intersection is a living example of how street corners become loci for community and—nondescript as they can be—places in residents’ and visitors’ experiences, memories, and imaginations.

On the four corners of the intersection, you’ll see the juxtaposition of learning, worship, and commerce that are markers of the Squirrel Hill Community: Carnegie Library, Squirrel Hill Branch; Sixth Presbyterian Church; Rite Aid situated next to the Jewish Community Center; and Coldstone Creamery. On the steps to Sixth Presbyterian Church, you’ll often see local students meeting with friends after school and commuters waiting for one (any!) 61 bus to take them to Oakland and Downtown.

When the “Walk” sign lights-up and you hear the beeps, get moving! All four “Walk” signs operate together for a brief period of time, so if you happen to be standing on the corner by the Carnegie Library but want to head to the catty-cornered Rite Aid, go for it! Rules against jaywalking seem not to apply within the zone of this intersection. Locals don’t give zig-zagging street crossings a second thought, though visitors can sometimes feel anxious.

From Forbes and Murray, the restaurants, local businesses, synagogues, churches, and parks that make-up Squirrel Hill are easily accessibly by foot, bus, or car.  
